Neuro Ophthalmology
Simply put, this area of ophthalmology involves the crossover between the eyes and the brain and those conditions which affect both. Diagnosis and treatment of these conditions usually require a very detailed history and examination of the eyes and neurological system. At Hirshfield Eye Associates in Queens, Dr. Hirshfield will personally perform all necessary clinical evaluations to diagnose these these types of conditions.
The types of ocular symptoms that sometimes suggest a neurological condition are headache, double vision, loss of vision, transient alterations of vision, flashes, eye pain and other less specific symptoms. The procedures for these conditions are often non-surgical but require a very sophisticated observer to make the appropriate diagnosis and either treat or refer for treatment.
Some neurological conditions which Dr. Hirshfield has diagnosed do require emergency referral for treatment to prevent the risk of death. These include brain aneurysms, brain tumors, carotid artery disease, heart valve disease, temporal arteritis among many others.
Other neurological conditions include optic nerve disease, muscle palsies in the eye, multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, stroke, brain inflammations and other rare diseases. Many neuro-ophthalmological conditions are self limited and improve with time, requiring no further procedures. Some are true life threatening emergencies. Others, while not life threatening, require immediate and appropriate referrals to the neurologist, neurosurgeon or other subspecialists. The key to success is a quick and correct diagnosis. The only way to make the right diagnosis is by seeing a skilled ophthalmologist who is able to pay close attention to the history and exam, to pick up an often subtle and difficult to diagnose disease. At Hirshfield Eye Associates in Queens we do this on a daily basis.